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Cured duck breast
1st method of cooking:
1 pc of duck fillet with skin Lapino puota
2 glasses of coarse salt
0.5 tsp of crushed white pepper
2nd method of cooking:
1 pc of duck fillet with skin Lapino puota
1 glass of coarse salt
1 glass of sugar
1tsp of dried thyme
1 tsp of black pepper grains
1 tsp of dried sage

Cured duck breast

6-7 portions

1st method of cooking:

Take the duck breast out of the package and drain it. Make a 0.5 cm thick salt mix layer in a bowl where you will keep the breast and put the duck breast on top. Pour the remaining salt onto the breast to fully immerse it. Cover the dish and place it in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Then take the breast out of the salt, wash and drain it well, and rub pepper. Wrap the chest into the gauze and hang it in a well-ventilated room for 1-2 weeks. How do you know that the meet has been cured? After a week, press the breast. It should not be so soft as at the beginning but also not completely hardened.

2nd method of cooking:

Mix salt, sugar and spices. Blend the mass to chop peppers and herbs. Make a 0.5 cm thick salt mix layer in a bowl where you will keep the breast and put the duck breast on top. Pour the remaining mix onto the breast to fully immerse it. Cover the dish and place it in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Then take the breast out of the salt mix, thoroughly wash and drain it.


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